Tuesday, November 23, 2010

To Mason: On your 3rd Birthday

My Dearest Mason:

Wow! You are 3 (well not until 12:42, it's only 9:42). Words cannot even begin to describe how the past three years you have grown.

1. You have a passion to pick up anything and learn about it. Books, my iphone, this in particular is cars! Weather diecast or rubber you try to "salvage" everything! You love your cars.

2. You eat NOTHING. You are a very pick eater. You will not touch one vegatable but you love Chipotle Guacamole. Go figure. Mommy calls you "Riblet"

3. Both you and your sister have a love hate relationship. Your sister loves to instigate but you have now found yourself being the bully. Mommy not happy! You beat the heck out of one another.

4. Because of the above making friends can be hard for you. Good thing Ernie Baby sometimes likes a good battle because you two are beginning to grow into good friends. You are twice his size which is funny because I see Mommy and Sissy in the both of you.

4. You have come to use the potty with huge success! All you need is mommy to help you on and off! You are so proud of yourself and I couldn't be any more happier (Daddy's wallet is too)
5 You have comed to learn how to manipulate. Mommy inparticular. You misbehave and you play the "I'm Mommy's baby boy" card, which I can only blame my self for Lastly.

6. You LOVE your Mommy. Ever since day one you have always been a mommy's boy. You'd hear me when you were a baby and Nan would say your face would just light up! You now like to come up to me and say Mommy's baby boy, and be cuddled and held. Even though you are officially not "baby" boy anymore, you still are and always will be my baby boy (sniff).

Your Mommy now is a blubbery mess of tears!

Happy 3rd Birthday to my "Not-so-baby-anymore" boy Mason. I love you so much!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


is putting it lightly. I made a promise to myself to document every step of the kids life through Scrapbooking or blogging. Needless to say I have done neither lately. Just getting a picture of the both of them is so difficult. Lately I have been thinking about making some changes around here to spice things up a little so stay tuned. I have made a promise to myself to atleast take a picture or two of the kids weekly! Here are a few from this week. As you can see it's hard!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lauren's Married!

Now forall of you who may know me, I am a hobbyist, aspiring photographer, with little background in the wedding aspect of photography. Not to say its a route that someday I don't wish to endeavor again, but this was truly a unique experience for me.

I have known The Castrantas family now for almost 12 years (god I'm old). They have always been my "other" family. The love and respect this family has for one another shows through and through. Lauren's wedding day was all of that and more! If one word could some up her day it would be that. Love. Love for Matt, and the love shared throughout the family, and their friends the entire night! Not a dry eye in the house, nor a filled seat the entire night! Everyone danced and celebrated the night away! Truly the BEST wedding I have ever been to! I just cannot get this day out of the back of my mind! Everyone was just.....happy. A joyful aura encompassed the whole entire day! From morning to night there were nothing but smiles all the way around!

Lauren, you were the most beautiful bride. I hope I captured as much of the love and joy that you and Matt share with one another. I am truly grateful for the opportunity.

Mark and Lorraine. Thank You for affording me the opportunity to be a big part of such a joyous day. Words cannot express how truly thankful I am. This truly was a day I will NEVER forget. I love you all from the bottom of my heart!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Just a taste

Of what's to come. I never take a picture of the kids for this very reason pictured below! 1 touches the other and boom, whining! Enjoy.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lake side

I know, I know. I have been slacking on the ol blog. It's just been super crazy with the kids and sometimes I lose sight on the fact that I still have this blog. One of my closest friends, and a family member at that is Andrew. As all of you may know, Andrew is the namesake for Craig and I being married. He is such a wonderful man. Always has been there as a great friend for both Craig and I. His girlfriend Elizabeth is nothing short of what he is. She is a WONDERFUL mother to her children, and excellent hostess to my children and I while we were staying there, a supportive and loving woman to Andrew, and most of all for me, great new friend.

Andrew and Elizabeth,

Thank You for affording me the oppurtunity to have the children, and I stay in the beautiful Adirondacks for a few days. It was eventful, awesome, and just downright FUN!! I hope we do it again really soon!



Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's Been a While

This I know. Seemed like October ran right smack dab into December than up in January LOL. Needless to say these past fews months have been quite hectic here at the Richardson's. Everyone got what they asked Santa for this Christmas, and the weather was beyond White for such a time. I hate the Winter when it come to photography because lighting indoors is so grim. Mason is IMPOSSIBLE to get a pic of. He's all over the place yelling cheese and will not stay still. I have tried candy, everything! Well I caught him in the usual position this morning and got one good shot that pretty much sums him up at this stage. Enjoy