Thursday, July 24, 2008

Growing Tired

I think Mason might be getting sick of the little black box on Mommy's face. I suppose I should retire for a while..........ok may 20 mintues


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Big Bowl of Boy Part II

I retook yesterday afternoon, what do you think?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mason in a Bowl

Talk about a bowl full of Goodness. Look at him!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

My Beautiful Girl

Madeline. I took this before she went to bed tonight. I am so in love with her little face!!!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Other Other Man

This is Buddy. He is good at lots of things. And so on. I love this Little Man so much! Sometimes I don't even think my own children are as half a big fan as my Nephew is of me. He is just so thrilled whn he sees me, and when he is over Nan's all he wants is for "No! "B" do it." I just love them way he looks at me and smiles and just loves my company. This is for you San, the BEST little Man!!

Lovin my PSE6

I am totally hooked. It really runs great on my computer, slow at times but ugh, I am so in love. The RAW plug in is so much more than what is was with 4.0. You have so many more options and choices. Here is just a shot I took of Cam and Maddie yesterday playing. I so wish I was on the other side, but the two of them wouldn;t let me get a word or picture in edgewise. Enjoy

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

This is what 45.8 pounds looks like

Off my body that is. I have been on WW now since January....with a lot of help from my Aunt aka Girlfriend, I have finally reached my goal weight. We have lost a total combined of almost 100 lbs! Thats alot of weight. I have been avoiding self portraits since forever. I did this on a whim, with inspiration from an awesome photography board that my sister brought me to (thanks a million San), and this was
the outcome....Bonnie Richardson at 191 lbs EEEK!!!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Can you believe it?

I am really going at this blogging thing full force. My BFF tells me how I need to update in myspace. I frankly don;t really like myspace all that much and thinking about canceling. It gives my computer problems. Any how. I whipped out a white sheet and put my little prince down, and fired away. I am still a little rusty with my settings so bare with me.


PS San......I am not to pleased with the way they turned out but I think I figured out problem, My aperture was all the way down to 1.4 I believe. I should have used AV mode I guess. Still learning


Monday, July 14, 2008

The Many Faces of Maddie

SO.....I was in Giant yesterday in the checkout lane when I was doing my usual dazing. When out in the corner of the eye appeared a phrase...."I love my girl Maddie". I gazed over to find what made my stomach churn. It was a picture of new teen Jamie Lynn Spears with her new baby Maddie. She wasn't even pretty enough to be called what came close to Maddie, nor did I even want to recognize that my Daughter has the same name know what I am going to say right? I guess I was upset at first but realized....nothing can come close to my Maddie.
My Girl Maddie. Enjoy

Saturday, July 12, 2008


This is by far the funnest thing to do with your camera.

BTW......This is a little shout out to my big boy Nephew who is learning how to use the potty, and is very good at it. I am so proud of you Bud! Aunt B loves you so much!

On my street........

Are some of the most amazing kids. We have really good neighbors (budding into great friendships) that live on our street. Two of which we spend lots of good times together. We went swimming last night down the street and I took some pics of D's and C's kiddos. They are tooooo cute for words. They thought I was funny, but soon grew tired of it really fast. Enjoy

Thursday, July 10, 2008


So Mason is growing :(. He is such a good little boy. I am truly so lucky to have such a well behaved (I know I am going to ewat my words in 2 years), loveable little boy. I am so much in love with him. He is my Little Prince to whom I feel so Royally Lucky to have in my life. He is usually found sitting or jumping with two of his favorite fingers in his mouth. Enjoy

PS....Also here is a random one of Maddie waiting for the Parade on the 4th

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Southampton Days 2008

I am a little late posting on this 4th of July but I have had problems with the computer and I know think I have it figured out. I took all of these photos in RAW in error and I finally found the plug in for PSE4. Maddie and her Daddy had a really good time on the rides. Enjoy. (Here Sissy I posted! LOL)